Moozers schilderstape geel

Masking window frames using a glass scraper

Masking a frame using a glass scraper can help to get a clean and precise line in the small corners. Here's how to do it

-Painter's tape
- Newspaper or masking foil
- Glass scraper with a sharp blade
- A dry cloth and degreaser

Step-by-step plan

Preparation of the substrate

Clean the frames thoroughly and remove any grease. Use a degreaser and a clean cloth. Let the frames dry completely before continuing.

Masking the edges

Apply masking tape along the edges of the frame. Use wide tape if you need to cover a larger area.

Using the glass scraper

Press the tape down firmly so that it is tight against the frame and the glass. Hold the glass scraper at a slight angle and cut slowly and carefully. Use the glass scraper to carefully cut off the excess tape along the edges and in the small corners. Remove the cut tape so that you have clean lines along the frame.

Check the tape

Check that the tape is securely attached everywhere and that there are no loose pieces that could allow paint to pass through.

Protecting glass and walls

Tape newspaper or masking tape to the window frames. Use masking tape to secure the paper or film. Make sure there are no open spaces where paint can seep through. Tape off the walls around the frame to prevent paint splatter.

Painting the frame

Start painting once everything is masked off. Work carefully and with an even layer of paint.

Removing the tape

Remove the tape immediately after you have finished painting, before the paint has completely dried. This prevents the paint from sticking to the tape and creating an ugly edge. Carefully pull the tape away from the frame at a 45-degree angle.


Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid fumes from the paint. Keep your glass scraper sharp for best results. A dull blade can tear the tape and leave a messy edge. Moozers glass scrapers have a blade with two sharp edges. Take your time with each step to achieve the best results.

This method will give you sharp, clean lines along your window frames, which will give you a professional looking finish. Good luck and don't forget to check out the other tips before you start your next paint job!

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